National impact in the European decision making: the Italian case, an example of politics without policy?Political systems
(Стр. 83-89)

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Napolitano Marianna student of «International Studies» (II level degree) at «L’Orientale» university in Italy. I get a bachelor degree in «International Relationship». Junior Researcher at «Osservatorio Russia» foundation. Study place: «International Studies» (II level degree) at «L’Orientale» university in Italy
«Osservatorio Russia» foundation
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National and European political ambit are, for Italian citizens, a very important level of analysis in contemporary age. They have had the possibility, since the signature of Rome Treaty in 1957, to participate to a great process of integration, whose main aim was to increase social, economic and political development for European states. European integration process has been hard to build, moreover is hard, still today, recognize that exist a supranational system of decisions and rules and that we, as national citizens have to participate actively to this system. The aim of this paper is to analyze this aspect from the point of view of national political game, comparing European attitude towards some problems that are considered able to qualify the degree of democracy in a country, or in this case in an international organization, and the Italian political attitude towards this process. The traditional Europhilia that characterizes Italian attitude towards Europe is questioned, because it can allow us to understand the real dimension of failure when we talks about European integration process. It’s important analyze Italian political system features, conflict between parties, and legislative and executive institutions, to understand the real commitment of our country towards Europe. For this reason the Anglo- Saxon difference between "politics” and “policy” is considered the main reference to face current political debate about Europe, and to understand if current opinions about Europe are correct. Father founder lessons and grass society positions are considered two basic point of view in this paper, because of their ability to show the great difference between what Europe is as project, and what Europe is in reality. This essay wants to answer to different questions, but moreover it wants show what is Italian commitment towards European integration, and what are priorities in a country that today always blames European decisions. Do political opinions, journalistic debates represent a reliable source of information to understand European decision − making process? Moreover the paper underlines also the need of a new course for this international organization. It stress that Europe has to go beyond “stability’ idolatry” (Spinelli, 2013), and have to recognize the importance of social Europe, that is also to recognize what citizens want from Europe.
Образец цитирования:
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