(Стр. 72-77)
Подробнее об авторах
Симонов Максим Анатольевич
научный сотрудник Лаборатории междисциплинарных гуманитарных исследований
Институт истории и археологии УрО РАН
Институт истории и археологии УрО РАН
В статье анализируется эволюция зарубежной исторической мысли о периоде «позднего сталинизма» с момента окончания Второй Мировой войны до распада Советского Союза в 1991 г. Приводится авторская периодизация историографии, позволяющая раскрыть изменение точек зрения иностранных ученых на этот период отечественной истории. Делается вывод о том, что в 1945-1991 гг. был накоплен основной массив информации, ставший базой для развития современных зарубежных исследований периода «позднего сталинизма».
Образец цитирования:
Симонов М.А., (2019), ОБЗОР ЗАРУБЕЖНОЙ ИСТОРИОГРАФИИ «ПОЗДНЕГО СТАЛИНИЗМА» В 1945-1991 ГГ. История и современное мировоззрение, 3 => 72-77.
Список литературы:
Arendt H. The origins of totalitarianism. New York, 1951. 704 p.
Bergson A. The economics of Soviet planning. New Haven, 1964. 394 p.
Bernard P.J. Planning in the Soviet Union. London-New York, 1966. 309 p.
Bethell N. The last secret: The delivery to Stalin of over two million Russians by Britain and the United States. New York, 1974. 224 p.
Brown J.A. Public opinion in the Soviet Union. The Russian Review. 1950. № 1. P. 37-44.
Chamberlin W.H. U. S. S. R. and U. N. // The Russian Review. 1947. № 2. P. 37-43.
Childs J.L., Counts G.S. America, Russia, and the Communist party in the postwar world. New York, 1943. 92 p.
Dallin D.J. Russia and postwar Europe. New Haven. 1943. 230 p.
Deutscher I. Stalin, a political biography. London. 1949. 600 p.
Dunham V. In Stalin’s Time: Middleclass values in Soviet fiction. Durham, 1990. 320 p.
Dunmore T. The Stalinist command economy: The Soviet State apparatus and economic policy 1945-1953. New York, 1980. 176 p.
Ellman M.J. Planning problems in the USSR: The contribution of mathematical methods to their solution. Cambridge, 1973. 394 p.
Epstein J. Operation Keelhaul. The story of forced repatriation from 1944 to the present. 1973. 255 p.
Fainsod M. How Russia is ruled. Cambridge, 1953. 575 p.
Feis H. From trust to terror: The onset of the cold war, 1945-1950. New York, 1970. 428 p.
Fitzpatrick S. Education and social mobility in the Soviet Union 1921-1934. New York, 1979. 366 p.
Friedrich C.J., Brzezinski B. Totalitarian dictatorship and autocracy. Cambridge, 1965. 438 p.
Gaddis J. L. The United States and the origins of the cold war, 1941-1947. New York, 1972. 382 p.
Garthoff R.L. The role of the military in recent Soviet politics. The Russian Review. 1957. № 2. P. 15-24.
Gouzenko I. The iron curtain: Inside Stalin’s spy ring. New York. 1948. 279 p.
Hahn W. Postwar Soviet politics: the fall of Zhdanov and the defeat of moderation, 1946-1953. London, 1982. 243 p.
Jasny N. Kolkhozy, the achilles’ heel of the Soviet regime. Soviet Studies. 1951. № 2. P. 150-163.
Jasny N. Labor and output in Soviet concentration camps. Journal of Political Economy. 1951. № 59. P. 405-419.
Jasny N. The socialized agriculture of the USSR: Plans and performance. Stanford. 1949. 837 p.
Joravsky D. The Lysenko affair reprint edition. Chicago, 1970. 474 p.
Katkoff V. Soviet economy 1940-1965. Baltimore, 1961. 375 p.
Koropeckyj I.S. Industrial location policy in the U.S.S.R. during the postwar period // Economic performance and the military burden in the Soviet Union a compendium of papers submitted to the subcommittee on foreign economic policy of the joint economic committee Congress of the United States. Washington, 1970. P. 232-301.
Koutaissoff E. Literacy and the place of Russian in the Non-Slav Republics of the USSR. Soviet Studies. 1951. № 2. P. 150-163.
Mansvetov F.S. Tannu-Tuva the Soviet “Atom city”? The Russian Review. 1947. № 2. P. 9-19.
Nagy F. The struggle behind the iron curtain. New York. 1948. 461 p.
Nekrich A.M. The punished peoples: The deportation and fate of Soviet minorities at the end of the Second world war. New York, 1978. 238 p.
Nicolaevsky B.I. The new Soviet campaign against the peasants. The Russian Review. 1951. № 2. P. 81-98.
Paterson T.G. On every front: The making of the cold war. New York, 1979. 210 p.
Popper K. The open society and its enemies. London, 1945. 361 p.
Ra’anan G.D. International policy formation in the USSR: factional “Debates” during the zhdanovshchina. Hamden. 1983. 248 p.
Ro’i Y. Soviet decision making in practice: The USSR and Israel 1947-1954. London, 1980. 540 p.
Ruble B.A. The Leningrad affair and the provincialization of Leningrad. The Russian Rewie. 1983. № 3. P. 301-320.
Theoharis A.G. The Yalta myths: An Issue in U.S. Politics, 1945-1955. Columbia, 1970. 263 p.
Towster J., Wright Q. Political power in the U.S.S.R., 1917-1947: The theory and structure of government in the Soviet State. New York. 1948. 443 p.
Warner G. The Korean War. International affairs. New Jersey, 1980. P. 484.
Авторханов А.Г. Народоубийство в СССР. Убийство чеченского народа. Мюнхен, 1952. 72 с.
Козлов В.А., Локтева O.K. Архивная революция в России (1991-1996) // Свободная мысль. 1997. № 1. С. 113-121.
Романовский Н.В. Социология позднего сталинизма // Социологические исследования. 1997. № 2. С. 69-76.
Bergson A. The economics of Soviet planning. New Haven, 1964. 394 p.
Bernard P.J. Planning in the Soviet Union. London-New York, 1966. 309 p.
Bethell N. The last secret: The delivery to Stalin of over two million Russians by Britain and the United States. New York, 1974. 224 p.
Brown J.A. Public opinion in the Soviet Union. The Russian Review. 1950. № 1. P. 37-44.
Chamberlin W.H. U. S. S. R. and U. N. // The Russian Review. 1947. № 2. P. 37-43.
Childs J.L., Counts G.S. America, Russia, and the Communist party in the postwar world. New York, 1943. 92 p.
Dallin D.J. Russia and postwar Europe. New Haven. 1943. 230 p.
Deutscher I. Stalin, a political biography. London. 1949. 600 p.
Dunham V. In Stalin’s Time: Middleclass values in Soviet fiction. Durham, 1990. 320 p.
Dunmore T. The Stalinist command economy: The Soviet State apparatus and economic policy 1945-1953. New York, 1980. 176 p.
Ellman M.J. Planning problems in the USSR: The contribution of mathematical methods to their solution. Cambridge, 1973. 394 p.
Epstein J. Operation Keelhaul. The story of forced repatriation from 1944 to the present. 1973. 255 p.
Fainsod M. How Russia is ruled. Cambridge, 1953. 575 p.
Feis H. From trust to terror: The onset of the cold war, 1945-1950. New York, 1970. 428 p.
Fitzpatrick S. Education and social mobility in the Soviet Union 1921-1934. New York, 1979. 366 p.
Friedrich C.J., Brzezinski B. Totalitarian dictatorship and autocracy. Cambridge, 1965. 438 p.
Gaddis J. L. The United States and the origins of the cold war, 1941-1947. New York, 1972. 382 p.
Garthoff R.L. The role of the military in recent Soviet politics. The Russian Review. 1957. № 2. P. 15-24.
Gouzenko I. The iron curtain: Inside Stalin’s spy ring. New York. 1948. 279 p.
Hahn W. Postwar Soviet politics: the fall of Zhdanov and the defeat of moderation, 1946-1953. London, 1982. 243 p.
Jasny N. Kolkhozy, the achilles’ heel of the Soviet regime. Soviet Studies. 1951. № 2. P. 150-163.
Jasny N. Labor and output in Soviet concentration camps. Journal of Political Economy. 1951. № 59. P. 405-419.
Jasny N. The socialized agriculture of the USSR: Plans and performance. Stanford. 1949. 837 p.
Joravsky D. The Lysenko affair reprint edition. Chicago, 1970. 474 p.
Katkoff V. Soviet economy 1940-1965. Baltimore, 1961. 375 p.
Koropeckyj I.S. Industrial location policy in the U.S.S.R. during the postwar period // Economic performance and the military burden in the Soviet Union a compendium of papers submitted to the subcommittee on foreign economic policy of the joint economic committee Congress of the United States. Washington, 1970. P. 232-301.
Koutaissoff E. Literacy and the place of Russian in the Non-Slav Republics of the USSR. Soviet Studies. 1951. № 2. P. 150-163.
Mansvetov F.S. Tannu-Tuva the Soviet “Atom city”? The Russian Review. 1947. № 2. P. 9-19.
Nagy F. The struggle behind the iron curtain. New York. 1948. 461 p.
Nekrich A.M. The punished peoples: The deportation and fate of Soviet minorities at the end of the Second world war. New York, 1978. 238 p.
Nicolaevsky B.I. The new Soviet campaign against the peasants. The Russian Review. 1951. № 2. P. 81-98.
Paterson T.G. On every front: The making of the cold war. New York, 1979. 210 p.
Popper K. The open society and its enemies. London, 1945. 361 p.
Ra’anan G.D. International policy formation in the USSR: factional “Debates” during the zhdanovshchina. Hamden. 1983. 248 p.
Ro’i Y. Soviet decision making in practice: The USSR and Israel 1947-1954. London, 1980. 540 p.
Ruble B.A. The Leningrad affair and the provincialization of Leningrad. The Russian Rewie. 1983. № 3. P. 301-320.
Theoharis A.G. The Yalta myths: An Issue in U.S. Politics, 1945-1955. Columbia, 1970. 263 p.
Towster J., Wright Q. Political power in the U.S.S.R., 1917-1947: The theory and structure of government in the Soviet State. New York. 1948. 443 p.
Warner G. The Korean War. International affairs. New Jersey, 1980. P. 484.
Авторханов А.Г. Народоубийство в СССР. Убийство чеченского народа. Мюнхен, 1952. 72 с.
Козлов В.А., Локтева O.K. Архивная революция в России (1991-1996) // Свободная мысль. 1997. № 1. С. 113-121.
Романовский Н.В. Социология позднего сталинизма // Социологические исследования. 1997. № 2. С. 69-76.