(Стр. 153-157)
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Adamus Rafał
Doctor of Science, professor. Department of Economic, Commercial and Bankruptcy Law at the Faculty of Law and Administration
University of Opole, Poland
University of Opole, Poland
This publication applies to the legal institution of sponsorship. Sponsorship is one of the very popular marketing techniques. In the text it is described the genesis of this phenomenon, the etymology of the name, the essence of this phenomenon. The advantages and disadvantages of sponsoring are presented as well.
Образец цитирования:
Adamus R.., (2019), LEGAL ESSENCE OF A SPONSORSHIP AGREEMENT. Проблемы экономики и юридической практики, 1 => 153-157.
Список литературы:
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L.Kinney, S.R.McDaniel, Strategic Implications of Attitude - Toward - the - Ad in Leveraging Event Sponsorships, Journal of Sport Management, 1996, p. 251, S.Sleight, Sponsorship. What is it and how to use it, London 1989, p. 29, R.Furlong, Tobacco Advertising Legislation and the Sponsorship of Sport, Australian Business Law Review, 6/1994, s. 162, A.Sznajder, Sponsoring, Warszawa 1993, p. 29
B.Ford, J.Ford, Television and Sponsorship, Oxford 1993, p. 7, S.Smulyan, Selling radio. The commercialization of American Broadcasting 1920-1934, 1994, p. 97
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J.Crimmins, M.Horn, Sponsorship : From Management Ego Trip to Marketing Success, Journal of Advertising Research, 7-8/ 1996, p. 12
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R.G.Javalgi, M.B.Traylor, A.C.Gross, E.Lampman, Awarness of Sponsorship.., p. 48
S.Sleight, Sponsorship.., p. 4,7, R.Furlong, Tobacco Advertising Legislation.., p.161
R.G.Javalgi, M.B.Traylor, A.C.Gross, E.Lampman, Awarness of Sponsorship.., p. 48, J.Crimmins, M.Horn, Sponsorship : From Management Ego Trip.., p. 12, M. Grabowski, W sprawie zasad działalności sponsorskiej w radiofonii i telewizji, Rejent 2/1997, p. 35, A. Lasota, A. Mechowska, Wybrane aspekty sponsoringu i umowy sponsoringu, Monitor Prawniczy 18/2002, p. 832
R.G.Javalgi, M.B.Traylor, A.C.Gross, E.Lampan, Awarness of Sponsorship and Corporate Image : An Empirical Investigation, Journal of Advertising, vol. XXIII, no 4, December 1994, p. 50
A.Vanhaeverbeke, Business Support for the Arts in Europe and CEREC, w : Art and Business. An International Perspective on Sponsorship. 1996, p. 85
G.Halaris, G.Pilos, Modern Enterprise and the Arts : Sponsorship as a Meta - Mechanism of Culture in Greece, w : Art and Business. An International Perspective on Sponsorship, 1996, p. 179
T.Berrett, T.Slack, An Analisis of the Influence of Competitive and Institutional Pressures on Corporate Sponsorship Decision, Journal of Sport Management, 13/1999, p. 114-115,120, S.Smulyan, Selling radio.., p. 97-98.
L.Kinney, S.R.McDaniel, Strategic Implications of Attitude - Toward - the - Ad in Leveraging Event Sponsorships, Journal of Sport Management, 1996, p. 251, S.Sleight, Sponsorship. What is it and how to use it, London 1989, p. 29, R.Furlong, Tobacco Advertising Legislation and the Sponsorship of Sport, Australian Business Law Review, 6/1994, s. 162, A.Sznajder, Sponsoring, Warszawa 1993, p. 29
B.Ford, J.Ford, Television and Sponsorship, Oxford 1993, p. 7, S.Smulyan, Selling radio. The commercialization of American Broadcasting 1920-1934, 1994, p. 97
E.Bonifaciuk, Czy działania sponsorskie w Polsce mają szansę na sprofesjonalizowanie się?, Marketing i Rynek 11/1995, p. 35
A.Sznajder, Sponsoring, p. 31, 34, G.Knopp, Sponsoring jako element strategii promocyjnej przedsiębiorstwa, Studia Ekonomiczne. Akademia Ekonomiczna im. Karola Adamieckiego. System informacji marketingowej a decyzje rynkowe przedsiębiorstwa, Katowice 1998, J.Polakowska - Kujawa, M.Kujawa, Sponsoring. Aspekty prawne i gospodarcze., Warszawa 1994, p. 12-13
R. Adamus, Dziedziny aktywności sponsoringowej, Jurysta 6 - 7/2005, p. 49
R. Adamus, Czynności poprzedzające powstanie stosunku prawnego sponsoringu, Myśl Ekonomiczna i Prawna nr 4/2005, p. 138
R.Copeland, W.Frisby, Understanding the Sport Sponsorship Process From a Corporate Perspective, Journal of the Sport Management, 10/1996, p. 33
D.Arthur, D.Scott, T.Woods, A conceptual Model of the Corporate Decision - Making Process of Sport Sponsorship Acquisition, Journal of Sport Management, 11/1997, p. 22
S.Sleight, Sponsorship.., p. 27, R.Furlong, Tobacco Advertising Legislation.., p.160, 162, A.H.Reiss, Corporate Sponsorship of the Arts Throughtout the World, Fund Raising Management, 11/1996, p. 30, N.Denny, Businesses queue up to sponsor the arts, Marketing, September 1995, s.13, The Growing Popularity of Sponsorships, Sales & Marketing Managament, June 1996, vol. 148, iss. 6, p. 76, R.G.Javalagi,M.B.Traylor, A.C.Gross, E.Lampan, Awarness of Sponsorship.., p. 47, H.A.Freedman, K.Feldman, The Art. Of Corporate Underwriting and Sponsorship, Fund Raising Management, September 1998, s. 24 ,A.Sznajder, Sztuka promocji - czyli jak najlepiej zaprezentować swoją firmę, Warszawa 1993, p. 131, R.E.McCarville, C.M.Flood, The Effectivness of Selected Promotions on Spectators’ Assessments of a Nonprofit Sporting Event Sponsor, Journal of Sport Management, 1998, p. 51, B.Kossner, Art Sponsorship by the Austrian Business Sector, w : Art and Business. An International Perspective on Sponsorship. 1996, p. 102-103T. Meenagham, The Role of Sponsorship in the Marketing Communisation Mix, International Journal of Advertising, 10/1991, p. 36, B.Ford, J.Ford, Television and Sponsorship, s. 61, J.Jacyszyn, A.Wasyliszczak, Umowa sponsoringu, Prawo Spółek 9/1998, p. 28-29.
S.Bright, M.Sunkin, Wkat Price Sponsorship?, Journal of Law and Society, vol.18, 4/1991, p.475
L.Stecki, Sponsoring, Toruń 1995, p. 24, W.Rozwadowski, Prawo rzymskie. Zarys wykładu wraz z wyborem źródeł. Poznań 1992, p. 170
J.Crimmins, M.Horn, Sponsorship : From Management Ego Trip to Marketing Success, Journal of Advertising Research, 7-8/ 1996, p. 12
T.Radwan, Sponsoring - nowy klucz do sukcesu, Businessman, 9/1993, p.64
R.G.Javalgi, M.B.Traylor, A.C.Gross, E.Lampman, Awarness of Sponsorship.., p. 48
S.Sleight, Sponsorship.., p. 4,7, R.Furlong, Tobacco Advertising Legislation.., p.161
R.G.Javalgi, M.B.Traylor, A.C.Gross, E.Lampman, Awarness of Sponsorship.., p. 48, J.Crimmins, M.Horn, Sponsorship : From Management Ego Trip.., p. 12, M. Grabowski, W sprawie zasad działalności sponsorskiej w radiofonii i telewizji, Rejent 2/1997, p. 35, A. Lasota, A. Mechowska, Wybrane aspekty sponsoringu i umowy sponsoringu, Monitor Prawniczy 18/2002, p. 832
R.G.Javalgi, M.B.Traylor, A.C.Gross, E.Lampan, Awarness of Sponsorship and Corporate Image : An Empirical Investigation, Journal of Advertising, vol. XXIII, no 4, December 1994, p. 50
A.Vanhaeverbeke, Business Support for the Arts in Europe and CEREC, w : Art and Business. An International Perspective on Sponsorship. 1996, p. 85
G.Halaris, G.Pilos, Modern Enterprise and the Arts : Sponsorship as a Meta - Mechanism of Culture in Greece, w : Art and Business. An International Perspective on Sponsorship, 1996, p. 179
T.Berrett, T.Slack, An Analisis of the Influence of Competitive and Institutional Pressures on Corporate Sponsorship Decision, Journal of Sport Management, 13/1999, p. 114-115,120, S.Smulyan, Selling radio.., p. 97-98.